Return & Refund Policy

Welcome to Super Electrocity, your ultimate destination for top-quality electronics items for both household and commercial purposes. We are committed to providing you with the best products and exceptional customer service. In the event that you need to return or exchange a product, we have outlined our Return & Refund Policy below to ensure a hassle-free experience for our valued customers.

  1. Returns

We understand that sometimes products may not meet your expectations or may arrive damaged. Therefore, we offer a straightforward return process to address such instances. If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, you can return the item within 30 days from the date of purchase for a refund or exchange.

To be eligible for a return, the item must be unused, in its original packaging, and in the same condition as you received it. Please ensure that all accessories, manuals, and other components are included when returning the product. Once we receive your returned item, our team will inspect it to verify its condition. If the item meets our return criteria, we will initiate the refund process.

  1. Refunds

Upon approval of your return, we will issue a refund to your original method of payment. Please note that it may take some time for the refund to be processed and for the funds to reflect in your account, depending on your bank or payment provider. We appreciate your patience in this regard.

If you paid for your order using a credit card, the refund will be credited to the same card used for the purchase. For payments made via other methods, such as PayPal or bank transfer, the refund will be processed accordingly.

  1. Exchanges

If you wish to exchange a product for a different variant or model, please contact our customer service team to arrange the exchange. We will assist you in selecting the right product and guide you through the exchange process. Please note that any price differences between the exchanged items will be adjusted accordingly.

  1. Damaged or Defective Items

In the rare event that you receive a damaged or defective item, please notify us immediately. We will work swiftly to resolve the issue and ensure that you receive a replacement or refund as per your preference. Our team may require photographic evidence of the damage or defect to expedite the resolution process.

  1. Non-Returnable Items

Certain items are non-returnable for hygiene or safety reasons, such as personal care products, consumables, and software. Additionally, custom-made or special-order items may not be eligible for return unless they are faulty or damaged upon receipt. Please refer to the product description or contact our customer service team for clarification on return eligibility.

  1. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Return & Refund Policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our dedicated customer service team is here to assist you and ensure that your shopping experience with Super Electrocity is nothing short of excellent.

At Super Electrocity, your satisfaction is our top priority, and we strive to exceed your expectations with every purchase. Thank you for choosing us as your trusted electronics provider. We look forward to serving you again soon!


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